Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The Designer (Drabble #2)

Alex: what a graceful walk.

Bindu: It is not difficult to see why you are enamored of their walk.

Alex: What do you mean?

Bindu: Did you really mean they walk gracefully?

Alex: Don't you think so?

Bindu: The exuberance you are hinding under those words indicate something else .

Alex: You mean?

Bindu: I meant you are taking pride in the designs they are wearing and not

Alex: May be, a little.

(The announcer: And now please welcome the proud designer Alex Mittal onto the ramp)

As Alex proceeds, he reveals Bindu " may be more than a little ".


Erratic Thoughts said...

Liked that conversation..Intriguing!

Unknown said...

I'd like toi know more please....

Shilpa said...

Thanks Guys!!
@Gwei Mui, i wish!! but it is limited to 100 words.