Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Firefly

Hi friends,

Here is my latest poem for a weekly poetry challenge held by Totalfeckineejit on the name " Poetry Bus".(for more information please click on the link) . One of the beautiful bloggers'  Terresa Wellborn is driving  this week's TFE's Poetry Bus. You can find more information at Driving the poetry bus about Terresa and about the participation details.

As a part of this competition, she included a Poetry Prompt which is a picture by Keith Carter from his book, Fireflies. Here is that Picture:

And here is my poem in response to the picture. Wish me luck!


Argent said...

A nicely crafted set of images here - "gleeing to hold your safe hand". Geeing is a great word, as is drekitude.

* said...

Some nice images here, notably, "collected fistful of magic and smeared the air" -- I really like that.

PS: I had trouble reading your text as it was the same color as your blog side bar (purple). Maybe consider changing your blog text to black? Just a thought. :)

@ctors Business said...

Soleful and yet very beautiful with a real light at the end of the tunnel. Thank

Batteson.Ind said...

"drekitude"!... think I've just discovered a new favourite word!.. in amongst a whole host of wonderful words.. enjoyed this poem immensely! :-D

Dave King said...

Powerful stuff, it swept me along. Images and ideas piled up oneac h other. Congrats.

I also owe you an apology: I neglected to welcome you to my blog, which I gladly now do. Mythanks to you for visiting.

Pete Goulding said...

Yes, drekitude is a new one for me too! Nicely linked images...

Shilpa said...

Thank you all beautiful people out there. Thank you for recognizing "Drekitude" :). I have always had this fascination for new words and i am happy everyone liked my poetry.
@Terresa, thank you once again for posting it on Poetry Bus. And i implemented your suggestion of changing text color. That definitely made sense.

Titus said...

"drekitude" was the one that did it for me too! Enjoyed reading this, and I loved that last line.

Totalfeckineejit said...

Yep, I'm with al;l the others, I enjoyed reading this and love the word drekitude!

Enchanted Oak said...

Welcome to the Poetry Bus! We don't compete here, dear; we just love each other up whilst doing our own take on the prompts. I enjoyed your debut on the Bus, and especially the lines:
"I waited long crawled under the covers,
reaping the reminescence and eating the pain,
now felt armoured and swallowed the strength,
collected fistful of magic and smeared the air."
Lovely poetry, Shilpa.

Leah said...

It is beautiful... I love this poem... I love that it ended with hope. xoxo

esk said...

talk about imagery! I could "see" this poem - nice word choices - overall, very nice.