Monday, February 15, 2010

Break Through

Have you reached a deadlock
with a bargaining impasse..
Is unfair climate cursing
you with tears of rain..
Has your faith slide down
from being strong to being vulnerable..

Don’t fade away with time
All those should haves and would haves are worthless
Say goodbye to your paralyzed judgments,
for its time to....
dump all those fractured thoughts,
into an abyss of unwanted sorrows.
vivify those brown grasslands,
that stand lifeless in your mind.
pull yourself apart from this rubble
and try for a Break Through in life..

Become torpor of pain.
Countervail all the barricades.
Perambulate through intangible fears.
Show fervid to live everyday.
And feel the new you

Enough living in penury of courage
Doughty is what you need now
Rampart your weak spirit
It is not too much to ask
And this aplomb will make you Sui Generis

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