Sunday, October 19, 2008

Totally no PC day!

Wow...after so many days i got a break from my laptop. But it was only for one day(yesterday). And now i realized how intervened are our lives with computers. But anyways, i really had fun going out yesterday and enjoyed to the fullest. As for today, i regret for the fact that i missed breast cancer awareness marathon in NYC. But hey! who would want to wake up so early on a Sunday morning and run. Yeah, got it, laziness got deep into my head. Now i sincerely apologize that i neglected my commitment towards a good cause.

So moving on.....suddenly, i got interested in the periodic table (i wonder why ???). Yes the Chemistry periodic table. I was reading about this element "Thallium", its properties and compounds. Interesting to know, Thallium isotopes are radioactive and the element is considered as poison. But as far as i remember, i never heard the metal Thallium, when my teachers taught Chemistry. Thallium is used in optical and electrical industries and of course rat killing products. Because of its radioactive behavior, Thallium is banned for use in rat killing products. But China is still using it.

So talking about China, i remember about the unhealthy infants food that made news recently. They were using a product called "Melamine", normally used in plastics, to cut the costs. Now whole world has banned these products but at the expense of four infant lives.

Please people at least do not compromise with healthy food you eat and each Government should form a well infrastructured commission to establish and implement better standards for a healthy living.

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